About us
Our site address is: https://llc.studiosss-eng.pro.
私たちのサイトアドレスは https://llc.studiosss-eng.pro です。
Our Privacy Policy
Through all of our operations, we operate a variety of businesses in order to support the local community and promote collaboration with various industries through our technology.
We collect information to understand the needs and seeds of the local community, taking into account not only the Japanese economy but also the global situation.
Therefore, we recognize that protecting the personal information we collect and the personal information of our customers and employees is an important social responsibility, and we declare that we will establish and operate a personal information protection management system to implement and maintain the following policies, and that we will make company-wide efforts to continually improve the system.
1 We will acquire, use, and provide personal information only to the extent necessary and appropriate. We will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use (use for purposes other than those specified), and we will take measures to ensure that this is the case.
当社は、必要な範囲に限定した適切な個人情報の取得、利用及び提供を行います。また、特定 された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱い(目的外利用)を行わず、それを実現するための措置を講じます。
2 The Company shall comply with laws, regulations, national guidelines, and other rules regarding the handling of personal information.
3 The Company shall strive to prevent and correct unauthorized access to, leakage of, loss of, or damage to personal information.
4 The Company will respond appropriately and promptly to complaints and consultations regarding personal information.
5 We will continuously improve our personal information protection management system.
September 20, 2024 (Established)
Studio Tripro S.LLC
Satomi Makigusa, Representative Partner
合同会社Studio Tripro S(スタジオ・トリプルエス)
代表社員 牧草里美